segunda-feira, 30 de agosto de 2010

Best weekend ever!

So during this weekend I went mainly to Lisboa Mágica a.k.a Street Magic World Festival!
And now I'll separate the two days so that I can organize myself... xD (prepare for the testament :3)

28.08.2010 - Saturday

So I woke up at 1pm more or less, ate an apple and got out with my mom.
We went through the underground until Terreiro do Paço.
We climbed until Santiago Alquimista to find out it was useless xD
Then we went to meet up with Ayame Kurenai and her friend Inês on Praça do Comércio
My mom went to catch the bus so she could meet up with her friends.
Me, Ayame Kurenai and Inês went to watch Lisboa Mágica.
I gave a neon color leggins to Ayame Kurenai xP
We arrived at Largo do Camões and Luís Manuel was already finishing his act so we started watching Pablo Clabo (cuidado con el Michael Jackson! XD).
Then it was the turn of Dan Daortiz, making some very good card tricks that blew AK's and Inês mind :3 even mine of course xD
And to end that hour in Largo do Camões it was Gaetan Bloom with his Sangria XD
Then Luís de Matos was around and I was like "Let's take a picture!" and Inês "Are you ashamed? Do you want me to ask him?" but then I talked with him... and took a picture with him... and then a lady offered herself to take a picture of the 4 of us! (Thank you!)
We went for a little walk and we came back to Largo do Chiado where I stuck in between the crowd so I could sit on the front and take pictures ^^
It was Steve Trash performing and it already had started some minutes before so I didn't watch everything.
He was one of my favs! But I'll explain later xD I can say that I loved his clothes! And hat... and glasses... XD
Next was Florette... with her perfect portuguese (or may I say... French) xD and I loved her outfit too!
And then Ben Woodward which I enjoyed a lot also! It's just a shame I don't have his autograph, neither of Florette :\
And once again Pablo Clabo... Around that hour, AK called me saying she was going home and I decided to stay until my mom arrived (around 9pm)
When it was done in Largo do Chiado, I went to ask for an autograph and a picture with Steve Trash! And he liked my hat :D he really has a good taste xP
Then I went (alone) to Praça Teatro São Carlos, where it already had began some minutes before with Luís Manuel but I didn't mind since I already had saw a bit.
And I stuck in between the crowd again :3
Then (I can't stop using "then" ahahahah) it was José de Lemos turn! Portuguese magician :D
He started in a very funny way! Even though I hate politic! XD
And once again Gaetan Bloom with his sangria but always amazing the crowd! "Lima, Laranja e Igual!" ahahahahah xD
So when Gaetan Bloom was done with his act, it was the turn of Nick Nickolas from Australia! I laughed so much with this man! But so so so so so so much! "Bola Penis!" and "Grande, Merda, Pequenia" XD ahahahahahah
Amazing! And I asked for an autograph :3
Another hour ends and another "corner" to go... Next one was in Rua Garrett, where Ben Woodward, Florette and Luís Manuel (the ones I saw before) made another performance. The other one that I didn't saw before was John Fealey! With an amazing outfit and humor! "I take the corda and I make a nó! And then cut it with the tesoura!" *lmfao* XD
A veeeeerrrryyyy sexy word "corda" isn't it?
Meanwhile my mom arrived and before the last one (Ben Woodward) was done we were going home but I saw that Steve Trash was going to act again and since I didn't saw his whole act I asked my mom to stay a bit longer... Which was no problem.
He recognized me and shaked my hand xP
And then we came back home... we didn't want to come too late so... Yeah.

29.08.2010 - Sunday

Worst is... to walk from Sé de Lisboa to Sacavém! And now I have an awful scald! (PAREÇO UMA CAMONE .____. literalmente.)
And my feet hurt. Really badly. And legs also. It's your fault mom.
And since I'm mad... after the looooooong walk we went to Lisboa Mágica again! :x
I basically watched the same magicians, except for Andrely (brazilian magician).
But "today" (because I'm writing this and it is 3am) I managed to have... 8 more autographs XD
One of them is from Steve Trash again but this time on a card (I'm going to make a collection of signed cards :3 ahahah). And I have to say that I also took 5 more pictures with him xD
He is really an awesome person! Believe me! Amazing person and magician! I had the opportunity to talk with him and it meant a lot! Thank you sooooooo much! Not even a 100€ note could pay how much I am thankful :p
I saw Nick Nicholas for 2 more times and I always laughed! I just couldn't handle my self XD and I have a picture with him and the big ball of pe.... :X
And the balloon sculpture of the motorcycle was amazing! I was really like "What the hell is he doing?"
José de Lemos was also amazing! I'm just a bit sorry because one of his tricks gone wrong :\ but I guess it happens to anyone... If it was me I would die! But he remained calm, which I admire a lot! And I have a picture with himmm :3 and an autograph xD (I kinda feel like a child telling people what I have :x)
I also have a picture with John Fealey xD and I need to say he is terrific! (by terrific I mean spectacular).
I have some more autographs, but I think you stopped reading some lines above and just jumped XD ahahahah
So I think that every single magician has done a great job!
They have no fault if you people keep going and see them again and you find how the magic is done!
I just think that... if you managed how the trick is done just... SHUT THE F*** UP! <_<
There's no need for other people to know it... and I would consider myself lucky for even finding it out!

So yeah there aren't enough words to describe how amazing my weekend was...
Well maybe one...
It was Magical :D
I really enjoyed and loved it <3


1 comentário:

C. disse...

Brutal :D mas esqueceste-te de meter o melhor dia da tua vida: quando me conheceste :x