sábado, 30 de janeiro de 2010
Cinema Bizarre...
I knew about them in 2008... We're in 2010 and they broke at 21 January...
I have their 2 albums... Final Attraction and TOYZ.
They never came to Portugal... Just the fact of thinking they were so near... Sevilla... and I was here... Almost exploding.
One of the best days of my life was when they made a live chat... I didn't even eat my dinner that day...
I'll leave you with the first part and second part... the parts where Strify answered me! Even though, he answered me before but the microphone and the camera weren't working.
You can hear him saying "No I haven't heard about Dark Shadows yet but it sounds interesting." at 4:55 more or less...
And here saying "Oh yes I want to see Alice in Wonderland from Tim Burton but I don't know if I have the time to do it. Mindibizarre... Mind! Bizarre... Where are you living MindBizarre maybe it's possible we're going together" at 1:53. <- This was soooooooooo.... aaaaah x'D
(But that thing was so slowww and didn't let me write again ._. there was a lot of people)
It was soooo freakin' awesome!
Too bad they broke... but I hope one day to see them! Even if they are alone! But my focus is Strify.
I still love them a lot and I will always do.
Keep up and stay bizarre!
quarta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2010
More Alice in Wonderland... Behind the Scenes
Não se esqueçam de votar! www.pepsi-rock.com/airbands/7
terça-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2010
Concurso Pepsi... Post Nº 2 lol

Quando disse se beberem Pepsi e tal no post anterior... vá... não precisam de beber... mas nem que arranjem de amigos ou assim... ou do café do zé sei lá x'D
Têm também a possibilidade de ganhar bilhete para o RIR <----
Portanto arranjem anilhas (vermelhas atenção! as latas até têm a dizer rock in rio 2010) e tampas de garrafa de 1,5L e votem que nem uns loucos xD
A toda a gente que ajuda um muito obrigada!
E digam aos vossos amigos não se esqueçam lol

Concurso Pepsi
Preciso de vuestra ajuda LOL
Então é assim...
Vão a www.pepsi-rock.com registem-se, vão a Air Bands e VOTEM NO MEU VIDEO DOS KISS!!!
Também têm a possibilidade de ganhar bilhetes quando votam *-*
Portanto.... agradeço se me ajudarem nesta batalha (diz o Coelho) x'D
Keep up and stay bizarre ^^ from Gene Simmons :x LOL
quinta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2010
Mood: Agressive
Uma coisa é pedir para fazer, outra é mandar fazer.
Eu não sou nenhum cão do qual atiram a bolinha e dizem para ir buscar.
Não só odeio que mandem em mim, mas que se armem em boss... "You do this! You do that!"
Eu não estou a atacar, nem tenho intenção de ofender alguém... Mas se acontecer, façam um post contra mim, sei lá! Mas que avisem pelo menos para eu me puder defender x)
Eu sou diferente... E não vai ser um "Devias andar mais connosco" que me vai fazer andar atrás dessas pessoas... E haver a possibilidade de me tornar em alguém igual.
Ficam a saber que eu ando com quem eu quero... aliás, eu não sou de estar sempre no mesmo "grupo" de pessoas... Ora estou com esta pessoa, ora estou com aquela.
Não vou atrás de alguém sabendo que não vou fazer nenhum.
Estou bem? Claro que estou! Só me sento a um canto e fico calada para não ter que usar as mãos de uma maneira mais violenta.
O horóscopo do facebook tinha a dizer que hoje eu ia estar agressiva. Pois bem, acertou.
Não sou uma menina que fuma e bebe álcool com as amigas nas saídas à noite e que sempre que vê um gajo "giro" (do ponto de vista dessa pessoa) fica logo com o pito aos saltos.
Visto-me de maneira diferente e sou maluca como muita gente não é... Problemas? Temos pena.
Não tenho medo de dançar nos centros comerciais ou de gritar no meio da rua, de abraçar alguém até lhe saltarem os olhos da órbita ou de apalpar o cu de seja quem for (desde que conheça essa pessoa).
Eu não odeio ninguém, só odeio certas atitudes que são tomadas.
Keep up and stay bizarre.
terça-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2010
My mind... bizarre
Sinto que estou a evoluir xP
Os desenhos são meio estranhos mas pronto :x vou deixar aqui 3... dos quais fiquei orgulhosa x'D
O da boca fiz na aula de desenho... são os exercícios que temos de fazer... O do bicho feio LOL ou seja o 2º foi na aula de imagem e som enquanto falavam do stor de filosofia... não o bicho não foi baseado no stor lol e o terceiro foi na aula de inglês... simplesmente me apareceu na cabeça...
Keep up and stay bizarre!
'Pirates' to film on Oahu, Kauai
Capt. Jack Sparrow and his brood of motley pirates return to cinema action with some of the filming taking place in Hawai'i, bringing an expected $85 million into the state's economy.
"Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides," the fourth in The Walt Disney Pictures series, has Sparrow (played by Johnny Depp) and Capt. Hector Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) searching for the Fountain of Youth.
Bob Iger, president and CEO of The Walt Disney Co., was in Hawai'i yesterday to share the news with Gov. Linda Lingle.
"The Walt Disney Co. has a great relationship with Hawai'i that we're looking forward to building upon with the filming of the latest adventures of Capt. Jack Sparrow and his crew," Iger said. "I thank Gov. Lingle and her team for their tremendous support of the projects Disney has under way in this great state."
"Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" also was partly filmed in Hawai'i.
Hawai'i's tax credit and professional film industry made the difference in swaying The Disney Co., said Georja Skinner, chief officer for the state Creative Industries Division, which took over the duties of the state Film Office when all but one of its staff were laid off last year.
"We have such quality (film industry) people here, such professional work force, I think coupled with our tax incentive makes it a very desirable place to do business," Skinner said. "Hawai'i competes on a global basis for productions and to have Disney choose Hawai'i over other states and countries is a huge win for us."
Creative Industries, which has a staff of seven that focused on art and culture prior to taking on the Film Office duties, is getting the training to handle the Film Office responsibilities including permitting, tax review and providing information covering a gamut of needs from location sites to talent, she said.
"We have to preserve the legacy of the Film Office as a film-friendly location and we are doing that," Skinner said.
Disney has a long relationship with Hawai'i, having filmed here since the late 1960s. More recently it is building a resort in Ko Olina and has filmed here the television series "Lost"and the 2001 film "Pearl Harbor."
Shooting for "Pirates" will begin this summer on O'ahu and Kaua'i, and the film should be released in 2011, said Marsha Wienert, state tourism liaison. The production is expected to generate $85 million in direct and indirect spending, she said.
Not only will hotels and restaurants benefit but people in the film industry will be getting jobs, Wienert said. The impact on the Islands will last beyond just the filming stage, she said.
"The immediate is going to be the economic impact," Wienert said. "Secondly there'll be a publicity impact and then last but not least, (exposure for Hawai'i) when the film is released next year."
You can also see this here
Johnny Depp understands the madness of his 'Alice in Wonderland' character the Mad Hatter and finds it ''fascinating''.
Johnny Depp understands his 'Alice in Wonderland' character's madness.
The American actor - who plays the Mad Hatter in director Tim Burton's fantasy-adventure movie 'Alice in Wonderland' - said he was dragged into his characters odd sense of reality whilst researching Lewis Carroll's classic story.
The 46-year-old star said: "I started reading the books and understanding the character and the significance of the letter M. There's a moment when he says, 'I'm investigating things that begin with the letter M'. That was huge for me. Hatters were referred to as mad because of the mercury they used to use in the glue. Mercury was the M. I found that fascinating."
Johnny recently admitted he found the movie "exhausting" because he'd spent so much time filming against a green screen so CGI animated characters could be added later.
He said: "The green itself is exhausting. It beats you up. You're kind of befuddled at the end of the day."
You can also see this here
quarta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2010
OST de Alice in Wonderland
2. "The Poison" de The All-American Rejects
3. "The Technicolor Phase" de Owl City
4. "Her Name Is Alice" de Shinedown
5. "Painting Flowers" de All Time Low
6. "Where's My Angel" de Metro Station
7. "Strange" de Tokio Hotel and Kerli
8. "Follow Me Down" de 3OH!3 featuring Neon Hitch
9. "Very Good Advice" de Robert Smith
10. "In Transit" de Mark Hoppus com Pete Wentz
11. "Welcome to Mystery" de Plain White T's
12. "Tea Party" de Kerli
13. "The Lobster Quadrille" de Franz Ferdinand
14. "Running Out of Time" de Motion City Soundtrack
15. "Fell Down a Hole" de Wolfmother
16. "White Rabbit" de Grace Potter and the Nocturnals
Este álbum será lançado nos EUA em Março com o título
"Almost Alice". Entretanto, já em Fevereiro será revelado o primeiro videoclip com o tema de Avril Lavigne "Alice (Underground)" .
Estou... desiludida ._.
Onde está o grandioso Danny Elfman? |:
Isto não é nada do que estava à espera...
Mesmo assim... não deixarei de ver o filme.
Só espero que compense a banda sonora...
Keep up and stay bizarre!
E o senhor, fofo, gentil e muito querido (cof cof cof que até me engasguei a dizer tanta coisa boa...) também conhecido como Heartless desafiou-me... claro só podia... sabe-se lá o que ele quererá mais :x
Mas pronto... aqui vai xD (aproveito e acrescento... muito rosa nesta imagem aqui em baixo LOL)
Eu já... parti a cabeça! Ou melhor... o sobrolho. Ia a correr na escola e ao virar na esquina fui contra um miúdo mais baixo que eu. Eu parti a cabeça, ele ficou com um galo de todo o tamanho. Não chorei e só fui para o hospital com a minha mãe xD (isto no 2º ano.)
Eu nunca... consigo ficar seriamente séria LOL
Eu sei... muita coisa... LOL! Mas uma delas é que a minha "escola" deve cair. ^^'
Eu quero... uma bateria! O.O lembro-me de ter 6 anos e pedir uma.
Eu sonho... de uma maneira inimaginável xD ocupo maior parte do meu tempo a sonhar... por vezes com coisas impossíveis.
E portanto eu desafio.... (tentem não repetir)
sábado, 2 de janeiro de 2010
I, Am, Me
There will be no "New Life"... Maybe new people in my life... who knows.
New discoveries... New thoughts...
My life continues... And my hope to conquer my dreams rises.
Now, something more, I don't know lol...
My holidays, I admit, where a bit boring. But I'm not very in the mood to go back to school.
I ended this holidays by going 2 times to the cinema and saw "Avatar" two days ago and "Sherlock Holmes" today.
Avatar has all that visual effects and 3D and stuff, which is pretty impressive, but doesn't have the story that captivates my mind.
Sherlock Holmes has something that makes me think and makes me feel like I was inside the movie (and still am inside it lol).
Both films made my mind work but Sherlock Holmes... has left something in my head that I can't get rid off xD but I kinda like it lol
So, if someone would ask me a must see movie I would say something like... "If you like visual effects go see Avatar, but if you like a good story see Sherlock Holmes."
By the time I enter in the room, sit in my chair (whatever it is in douzens of them lol) and the movie starts, it's just me and the movie, in some way I forget everything that surrounds me.
There's nothing like a cinema room, that gives us full experience.
Keep up and stay bizarre! Have a good year ^^
Aahhhh, putrefaction. xD