quinta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2010

I want to run away...

First week of school
And I'm already tired
I can't feel the same I felt 2 years ago
It's not the same anymore
We're all growing up
And the young ones...
I don't know.
I can't feel that spirit.
I just want to follow my dream!
Why should I have classes like portuguese and gym and stuff like that?
I feel that I "grew" more in the work industry, while on vacations!
Now the routine comes back.
Wake up early, go to school and come back home.
5 times a week.

I want to run away
Far away from here
Do something new and exciting
Something that I love!
Something... different!

I guess the only thing I can do now is count on my friends.
The real ones.
The ones that will be by my side on the worst moments.



Do you feel the same I feel?

3 comentários:

Rin chan disse...

Fazes me lembrar eu no meu ultimo ano de secundario... ^^' mas nao faças como eu.. que desistiu a meio do ano! lol

Se fugires.. leva me contigo! ç_ç

C. disse...

eu ja vou na 2ª semana e ja tou farta dakela escola... como eu te compreendo.

Leau disse...

A rotina acaba sempre por se instalar...na escola, no trabalho, no dia a dia.
Cabe a nós darmos a volta, e sorrir para a vida..desistir, nuncaaaa..