domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

Stuck Inside

I want to get out
I want to let it go out
This feeling I have inside
Some look at me as if I was another sad person
Because they can't see upon what they want
Others can see how I really feel
Angry from not making it
From not being able to reach what I want
Angry about those that just ruin part of our futures
And others futures also
They make us afraid of what can come
Should I fight?
Should I even try fighting?
If I fight... Will it be worth it?
I don't know...
Let time pass
Maybe time itself can bring me answers
But what if time just steals my questions?
If I don't fight now
Time might just take my dreams away
In a way that only then, I will notice.
You know...
When you notice that it's too late
And what you wanted before is just... gone.

1 comentário:

C. disse...

até metes medo :o