segunda-feira, 18 de julho de 2011

What is love?
This thing that people fall for so many times...
I don't like love... And even if you come here and say "One day you will regret that!", I believe I'll keep not liking love...
Love most of the times just brings hurt and sadness...
People aren't capable to tell someone they like them, so they suffer...
The worst thing you can get is a "No" but that hurts.
You can still be friends but most of the times, it's not like before.
Some have been hurt before, so they are afraid of being hurt again.
When it was only you, it starts to be the both of you.
You have to be prepared.
But then again...
All those beautiful moments, every single thing he gave to you... It's gone.
You don't know what to do... You're lost.
You feel lonely.
The pictures you have with him... What should you do?
Should you delete them? Or should you just keep them?
Are those good or bad memories?
The moment you took them... You were happy.
It's just like... you're living a dream.
Something that isn't real.
A world of fantasy and desire... Something that get's inside your mind and you like.
Just like a drug.
And when it ends, it's depressing, painful, the world just starts falling apart.

I could say many things... But my inspiration just ran out.

Have I ever told you I'm not that kind of person who writes much?
I just write when I feel I should... And when I'm inspired xD


1 comentário:

Tio Heartless disse...

You need not to like love to love someone.

It 's always hard, it is always painful, but it also gives out a feeling of fulfillment.

You are never alone sweety.